Keywords: Gosper curve 3.svg Gosper curve of degree 4 Created by me as a vector replacement for Image Gosper curve 3 png 2007-03-17 own assumed Blotwell Source The SVG file is produced by the following Perl script which is based on the Logo implementation at de Gosper-Kurve <source lang perl > /bin/perl use Math Trig; SVG Gosper curve generator by Blotwell Released under GFDL BEGIN print <<HEREDOC < xml version 1 0 encoding ISO-8859-1 standalone no > < DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN http //www w3 org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10 dtd > <svg xmlns http //www w3 org/2000/svg xmlns xlink http //www w3 org/1999/xlink xml space preserve width 320px height 320px viewBox 0 0 6400 6400 > HEREDOC ; my x 500 y 2500 a 90; printf <polyline points \ i i x y; sub p printf i i x y; sub fd my n shift; x+ n cos deg2rad a ; y- n sin deg2rad a ; p ; sub tl a+ shift; sub rt a- shift; my ln 100; rg 4 ; sub gl my st -1+shift; if st<0 fd ln ; else tl 60 ; rg st ; rt 60 ; gl st ; gl st ; rt 120 ; gl st ; rt 60 ; rg st ; tl 120 ; rg st ; tl 60 ; gl st ; sub rg my st -1+shift; if st<0 fd ln ; else rg st ; rt 60 ; gl st ; rt 120 ; gl st ; tl 60 ; rg st ; tl 120 ; rg st ; rg st ; tl 60 ; gl st ; rt 60 ; END print ' stroke black stroke-width 30 stroke-linejoin round fill-opacity 0 />' \n</svg>\n ; </source> Gosper islands |