Keywords: Gradient ascent (surface).png The 'gradient ascent' method applied to a function This image shows the surface of the function 3D interpretation See also image gradient ascent contour png Created with Maple 10 using the following code <code><pre> > restart with VectorCalculus with plots with plottools > z x y ->sin 1/2 x 2-1/4 y 2+3 cos 2 x+1-exp y > grad VectorCalculusGradient z x y x y ; > plot3d z x y x -1 2 1 2 y -1 2 1 2 axes normal numpoints 1000 ;p3d > contourplot z x y x -1 2 1 2 y -1 2 1 2 axes normal contours 30 numpoints 3000 ;cont > start -1/4 1/3;ptf0 Vector start > steps 15; > for i from 0 to steps do print ptfi pti Vector convert ptfi list z ptfi1 ptfi2 diri evalf Normalize evalVF grad ptfi ; pari ptfi+lambda diri; lambdi fsolve diff z pari1 pari2 lambda 0 lambda 0 ; ptfi+1 eval pari lambda lambdi ; od i 'i' > display cont 'point convert ptfi list color blue ' 'i' 0 steps 'plot pari1 pari2 lambda 0 lambdi ' 'i' 0 steps ; > display p3d 'point convert pti list color blue symbol circle symbolsize 4 ' 'i' 0 steps 'spacecurve pari1 pari2 z pari1 pari2 lambda 0 </pre> </code> Made a screenshot cropped with paint shop pro 4 12 saved with Irfanview graph Optimization Surface plots Maple diagrams Images with Maple source code Gradient descent Images created or edited with IrfanView |