Keywords: Granary King's Lynn.JPG 'The Granaries' building on Baker Lane located in the historic Hanseatic League trading port town of King's Lynn Norfolk England United Kingdom Original site of the Baker Lane Oil Cake Mill a four-storey linseed oil mill and warehouse that was destroyed by fire in 1899 Rebuilt for Henry Leake Son in 1900 making linseed cake for cattle feed This tower became a granary after 1945 and was retained converted as part of a courtyard complex of residential apartments built and converted from between 1985-87 Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Oxyman using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text self-made 2008-02-08 Alienturnedhuman talk Original uploader was Alienturnedhuman at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Alienturnedhuman Original upload log page en wikipedia Granary_King 27s_Lynn JPG 2008-02-08 21 56 Alienturnedhuman 1704×2272× 1750611 bytes <nowiki> Granary King's Lynn self-made ~~~ </nowiki> Buildings in King's Lynn |