MAKE A MEME View Large Image Greece-tv-viewings-early-90s.svg en Ratings for major Greek television channels from early 90s Source cite book Πα αθανασό ουλος Στέλιος Η τηλεόραση στον κόσμο 1994 Εκδόσεις Πα αζήση ...
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Keywords: Greece-tv-viewings-early-90s.svg en Ratings for major Greek television channels from early 90s Source cite book Πα αθανασό ουλος Στέλιος Η τηλεόραση στον κόσμο 1994 Εκδόσεις Πα αζήση Αθήνα 270 960-02-1043-8 2015-04-30 own CubicStar other versions cc-zero Created with Gnuplot Gnuplot script to generate this plot <source lang gnuplot > Terminal set terminal svg enhanced size 800 600 font sans set output greece-tv-viewings-early-90s svg Data and formats set datafile missing - set datafile separator whitespace set xdata time set timefmt Y- m set format x Y Scale and ranges set autoscale set xrange 1989-04 1993-08 set yrange 0 50 Ticks borders and title set border 0 set xtics 1989 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 nomirror set ytics autofreq nomirror set grid xtics linetype 1 linewidth 1 linecolor rgb efefef set grid ytics linetype 1 linewidth 1 linecolor rgb efefef Inline data Note that months are a little by convention data << EOData 1989-09 37 7 24 3 - - 14 2 10 3 13 5 1989-12 21 1 12 6 35 3 - 10 7 5 8 8 5 1990-06 19 7 8 7 30 6 18 5 5 3 4 7 12 5 1991-06 14 0 6 9 30 9 27 4 3 3 4 0 13 3 1992-06 10 5 5 9 33 6 30 5 1 3 3 6 14 7 1993-06 7 9 5 3 33 2 30 9 1 5 2 8 18 4 year et1 et2 mega ant1 sat video other EOData plot data using 1 2 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb e41a1c title ΕΤ1 \ data using 1 3 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb 377eb8 title ΕΤ2 \ data using 1 4 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb 4daf4a title Mega \ data using 1 5 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb 984ea3 title Ant1 \ data using 1 6 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb ff7f00 title Δορυφ \ data using 1 7 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb ffff33 title Βίντεο \ data using 1 8 with lines lw 2 5 linecolor rgb a65628 title Άλλα </source> Television of Greece Uploaded with UploadWizard Gnuplot diagrams
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