Keywords: Guerre 14-18-Sentinelle allemande dans la tranchée-vers1915.JPG Postcard of Germany - German Army - A German soldier supervises since his trench His posture is bent over because he does not want to raise his head into the line of fire The Stahlhelm was introduced on 1st of june 1916 so it's latter dated Postal de Alemania - Ejército Alemán - Un soldado alemán supervisa desde su trinchera Su actitud es prudente porque no quiere elevar su cabeza para observar - Año desconocido aproximadamente 1916 Carte postale allemande - Armée allemande - Un soldat allemand surveille depuis sa tranchée Son attitude est pudente car il veut pas relever la tête pour observer - Année inconnue environ 1916 PD-old Old military postcards of Germany Soldiers World War I postcards of German Empire Soldiers World War I trench warfare World War I forces of Germany Earth fortifications Stahlhelm |