Keywords: H2OrbitalsAnimation.gif en Electron wavefunctions for the 1s orbital of the hydrogen atom left and right and the corresponding bonding bottom and antibonding top orbitals of the dihydrogen molecule The real part of the wavefunction is the blue curve the imaginary part is the red curve The red dots mark the locations of the protons The electron wavefunction oscillates according to the Schrödinger equation and the orbitals are standing waves The standing wave frequency is proportional to the energy of the orbital Hydrogen is really a 3D system but this is a 1D slice These are schematic plots I did not bother to solve the Schrödinger equation quantitatively The plots are arranged like a molecular orbital diagram own Sbyrnes321 2011-03-28 <pre> Source code written in Mathematica 6 0 by Steve Byrnes March 2011 This source code is public domain Shows schematic electron wavefunctions for 1s orbital of hydrogen atom and 1s bonding and antibonding orbitals of hydrogen molecule Plotted as a 1D slice of a 3D system All graphs are schematic I'm not actually solving the Schrodinger equation but hopefully it looks like I did ClearAll Global` Oscillation frequencies in units of oscillations per cycle of the animated gif sfreq 4; bondfreq 3; antibondfreq 5; Wavefunction normalization coefficients scoef 0 893; bondcoef 0 618; antibondcoef 0 646; Define wavefunctions sx_ t_ scoef Exp- x - 1 25 2 Exp-2 Pi I sfreq t; bondx_ t_ bondcoef Exp-x 2 + Exp- x - 2 5 2 Exp-2 Pi I bondfreq t; antibondx_ t_ antibondcoef Exp-x 2 - Exp- x - 2 5 2 Exp-2 Pi I antibondfreq t; Make individual graphs SetOptionsPlot Ticks -> None PlotStyle -> DirectiveThick Blue DirectiveThick Pink Axes -> True False PlotRange -> -2 5 5 -1 1 AspectRatio -> 1 1 Frame -> True FrameTicks -> None; SetOptionsListPlot Ticks -> None PlotStyle -> DirectiveRed AbsolutePointSize10 Axes -> True False ; OneProton ListPlot 1 25 0 ; TwoProtons ListPlot 0 0 2 5 0 ; SWavest_ Plot Resx t Imsx t x -2 5 5 ; BondWavest_ Plot Rebondx t Imbondx t x -2 5 5 ; AntibondWavest_ Plot Reantibondx t Imantibondx t x -2 5 5 ; SPlott_ ShowSWavest OneProton; BondPlott_ ShowBondWavest TwoProtons; AntibondPlott_ ShowAntibondWavest TwoProtons; Draw all graphs together arranged in the shape of a molecular orbital diagram TotalPlott_ Graphics White Rectangle 0 0 1 5 1 InsetSPlott ImageScaled 0 0 5 ImageScaled 0 0 5 45 InsetSPlott ImageScaled 1 0 5 ImageScaled 1 0 5 45 InsetBondPlott ImageScaled 0 5 0 ImageScaled 0 5 0 45 InsetAntibondPlott ImageScaled 0 5 1 ImageScaled 0 5 1 45 ImageSize -> 300 Export animation output TableTotalPlott t 0 90/91 1/91 ; SetDirectory C \\Users\\Steve\\Desktop Export test gif output </pre> Cc-zero Images with Mathematica source code Animated GIF Animations of quantum wave functions Molecular orbitals of hydrogen |