Keywords: HofstadterPoint.svg Diagram illustrating the formation of Hofstadter r-point own Krishnachandranvn talk created this work entirely by myself 1 18 16 11 May 2012 UTC Krishnachandranvn talk Krishnachandranvn wikipedia en Cc-zero Original upload log en wikipedia HofstadterPoint svg wikitable - 2012-05-11 19 31 264×178× 40794 bytes Krishnachandranvn <nowiki>Some improvements in dimension </nowiki> - 2012-05-11 19 10 245×152× 41253 bytes Krishnachandranvn <nowiki>Some improvements in notation </nowiki> - 2012-05-11 18 16 245×152× 37243 bytes Krishnachandranvn <nowiki> Diagram illustrating the formation of Hofstadter r-point I ~~~ created this work entirely by myself ~~~~~ ~~~ </nowiki> Douglas Hofstadter Triangle centers |