Keywords: HSSamarbetecolor.svg sv Cirkel för huvudsidan An icon in the Tango theme style Red person An icon in the Tango theme style Blue person An icon in the Tango theme style Green person HSCirkel svg Emblem-person-red svg Emblem-person-blue svg Emblem-person-green svg 2011-12-24 10 56 UTC HSCirkel svg Jsdo1980 Emblem-person-red svg Inductiveload Emblem-person-blue svg Inductiveload Emblem-person-green svg Inductiveload derivative work Henrykus <span class signature-talk >talk</span> merged images Henrykus Emblem-person-green svg Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File HSCirkel svg licensed with PD-shape 2010-12-05T15 43 20Z Sarang 156x156 240 Bytes <nowiki>disgarbaged rr 0431</nowiki> 2008-12-18T15 00 48Z Jsdo1980 156x156 5567 Bytes <nowiki> sv Cirkel för huvudsidan Own work by uploader Jsdo1980 2008-12-18 own Person from File System-users svg 2011-02-18 Inductiveload Permi</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX HS icons Tango project/people |