Keywords: IBANMap-World6.svg Notes for Editors This map is and should always be derived from Canuckguy's File BlankMap-World6 svg which is in human-editable plain text svg+xml format Please do not change any country borders here but always take the latest version of File BlankMap-World6 svg as as basis For the IBAN countries there is a block of style definitions involving country codes at the beginning of this file IBANMap-World6 svg Please check the https //www swift com/standards/data-standards/iban SWIFT IBAN Registry Download and https //www iban com/structure html iban com regularily for additional countries using the IBAN and insert their TLD codes in the block mentioned above For a new version of IBANMap-World6 svg please merge the following 3 parts the latest version of File BlankMap-World6 svg the TLD codes block from the latest version of this file IBANMap-World6 svg your additional TLD codes <br> IBAN in Europe and other countries legend orange IBAN structure is defined red IBAN structure is registered with SWIFT 6495ed Country participates in SEPA 483d8b Euro is country's currency IBAN in Europa und weltweit legend orange IBAN-Struktur ist definiert red IBAN-Struktur ist bei SWIFT registriert 6495ed Land nimmt an SEPA teil 483d8b Euro ist Landeswährung 2013-12-30 22 31 13 Derived from Canuckguy's File BlankMap-World6 svg by Gfis Gfis ValidSVG cc-by-sa-3 0 Maps of the European Union and third countries SVG maps of the world Political maps Maps with Robinson projection Banking ISO standards IBAN |