Keywords: bookid:harpersweeklyv8bonn bookidharpersweeklyv8bonn bookyear:1857 bookyear1857 bookdecade:1850 bookdecade1850 bookcentury:1800 bookcentury1800 bookauthor:bonner__john__1828_1899 bookauthorbonnerjohn18281899 bookauthor:curtis__george_william__1824_1892 bookauthorcurtisgeorgewilliam18241892 bookauthor:alden__henry_mills__1836_1919 bookauthoraldenhenrymills18361919 bookauthor:conant__samuel_stillman__1831_1885_ bookauthorconantsamuelstillman18311885 bookauthor:schuyler__montgomery__1843_1914 bookauthorschuylermontgomery18431914 bookauthor:foord__john__1842_1922 bookauthorfoordjohn18421922 bookauthor:davis__richard_harding__1864_1916 bookauthordavisrichardharding18641916 bookauthor:schurz__carl__1829_1906 bookauthorschurzcarl18291906 bookauthor:nelson__henry_loomis__1846_1908 bookauthornelsonhenryloomis18461908 bookauthor:bangs__john_kendrick__1862_1922 bookauthorbangsjohnkendrick18621922 bookauthor:harvey__george_brinton_mcclellan__1864_1928 bookauthorharveygeorgebrintonmcclellan18641928 bookauthor:hapgood__norman__1868_1937 bookauthorhapgoodnorman18681937 bookpublisher:new_york___harper___brothers bookpublishernewyorkharperbrothers bookcontributor:lincoln_financial_foundation_collection bookcontributorlincolnfinancialfoundationcollection booksponsor:the_institute_of_museum_and_library_services_through_an_indiana_state_library_lsta_grant booksponsortheinstituteofmuseumandlibraryservicesthroughanindianastatelibrarylstagrant bookleafnumber:172 bookleafnumber172 bookcollection:lincolncollection bookcollectionlincolncollection bookcollection:americana bookcollectionamericana indoor ancient text round circle bookid:harpersweeklyv8bonn bookidharpersweeklyv8bonn bookyear:1857 bookyear1857 bookdecade:1850 bookdecade1850 bookcentury:1800 bookcentury1800 bookauthor:bonner__john__1828_1899 bookauthorbonnerjohn18281899 bookauthor:curtis__george_william__1824_1892 bookauthorcurtisgeorgewilliam18241892 bookauthor:alden__henry_mills__1836_1919 bookauthoraldenhenrymills18361919 bookauthor:conant__samuel_stillman__1831_1885_ bookauthorconantsamuelstillman18311885 bookauthor:schuyler__montgomery__1843_1914 bookauthorschuylermontgomery18431914 bookauthor:foord__john__1842_1922 bookauthorfoordjohn18421922 bookauthor:davis__richard_harding__1864_1916 bookauthordavisrichardharding18641916 bookauthor:schurz__carl__1829_1906 bookauthorschurzcarl18291906 bookauthor:nelson__henry_loomis__1846_1908 bookauthornelsonhenryloomis18461908 bookauthor:bangs__john_kendrick__1862_1922 bookauthorbangsjohnkendrick18621922 bookauthor:harvey__george_brinton_mcclellan__1864_1928 bookauthorharveygeorgebrintonmcclellan18641928 bookauthor:hapgood__norman__1868_1937 bookauthorhapgoodnorman18681937 bookpublisher:new_york___harper___brothers bookpublishernewyorkharperbrothers bookcontributor:lincoln_financial_foundation_collection bookcontributorlincolnfinancialfoundationcollection booksponsor:the_institute_of_museum_and_library_services_through_an_indiana_state_library_lsta_grant booksponsortheinstituteofmuseumandlibraryservicesthroughanindianastatelibrarylstagrant bookleafnumber:172 bookleafnumber172 bookcollection:lincolncollection bookcollectionlincolncollection bookcollection:americana bookcollectionamericana ancient indoor text circle round Identifier: harpersweeklyv8bonn Title: Harper's weekly Year: 1857 (1850s) Authors: Bonner, John, 1828-1899 Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Conant, Samuel Stillman, 1831-1885? Schuyler, Montgomery, 1843-1914 Foord, John, 1842-1922 Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 Nelson, Henry Loomis, 1846-1908 Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922 Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864-1928 Hapgood, Norman, 1868-1937 Subjects: Publisher: New York : Harper &amp; Brothers Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: I.intrmi.o irf too n-rnk to ..-i\,- a ti nr i.|,-, ,f it- t Inll li:i:i , ;].;, t. I \„- iv ,.|.;- I,,-, ,.|,i. - -.. .. h-.ili..! in lo lo-i- liini=elf,ini.l tin.- itf.ct ii. nUli.i tliat jiroduced by n thritliiiR un-k-ili-nriia np.m 1 to- |.,-l„-.|.[, ■■ \.::-m tint u-n..n-lit l,v tlif -ini|.le[..■ni-:iL of it Morv.M.. m-nu-ly .Ln- fin- n-mi.-i -\ni|i:.llii/o uilli llio t Inn n it -r ■- int i.,,i ne-.L -„ ..[jtiivly i.- ho carriedii&gt;v;iy l)V thorn a- ,0 inia-in- liiiii-.-li a vol ii »hl- ni e • MO no. I f Ai I II 1 Ll mous pretensions of tyr.uii■■. Tli»- talo i- 1. -n.m.i -U- Am.m ,11 t...;.. in a ■.:.-.■ Ii..-ivi.|..i. unknown to the Anglo- \l&lt;. us n -,.■ K •....-, j. 1...,,; (!,...■■ i-i-rM- -.1 I-mi -,. . I.-.. ft!-., the whole going :atiL!l..- o...|iO.:VJOi» nM Vfai. and III,-.-■ 1 t-in [., i,vt f,-r-i.|. of dnhs. STREET &amp; SMITH, Wituw and Proprierow. Wo. 11 Frankfort Street, Mew York City. ^* Siu-clinon Cupicj sent free. Text Appearing After Image: B.T.H VYWAED, Manufacturing Jeweler, 203 Broadway, N. Y. ^rf^,, POLLAK &amp; SON. ^Sl© Mrrns, eiaum Mam , v. units, ^ VUMbV Hollar. Pipes cut to ordes and re-^^.^^ paired. CHURCH VIEWS.-Card Photographs of 1..0 lianci|)id Uinrrl 1 N-« Vi.rk uml llnmklyu; wV UllISKI IIS ill; MI-M-AOHI -?-My«&gt;nonoiit&gt;;i!lsent by ^^J^^^^^g^^,,!^^, y. March 12, 1864.] HAMPERS WEEKLY. J. H. Winslow &amp; Co., 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, &amp;c, &amp;.C. Worth $600,000. To be sold for One Dollar eachwithout regard to value, andnot to be paid for till youknow what you are to get. BPLENDXD LIST!! Of Articles to be sold for OneDollar each. 100 Gold Huntins Cn-ed Wntche. $100 00 each. 30-0 Cameo laar Drops . &gt;al Ear Drops 4 00 b e yarious articles, stating w In all transactions by mail, we shallcharge for forwarding the Certificates,paying postage, and doing the busi-ness, 25 cents each, which must be in-closed when the Certificate is sen Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: harpersweeklyv8bonn Title: Harper's weekly Year: 1857 (1850s) Authors: Bonner, John, 1828-1899 Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Conant, Samuel Stillman, 1831-1885? Schuyler, Montgomery, 1843-1914 Foord, John, 1842-1922 Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 Nelson, Henry Loomis, 1846-1908 Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922 Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864-1928 Hapgood, Norman, 1868-1937 Subjects: Publisher: New York : Harper & Brothers Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: I.intrmi.o irf too n-rnk to ..-i\,- a ti nr i.|,-, ,f it- t Inll li:i:i , ;].;, t. I \„- iv ,.|.;- I,,-, ,.|,i. - -.. .. h-.ili..! in lo lo-i- liini=elf,ini.l tin.- itf.ct ii. nUli.i tliat jiroduced by n thritliiiR un-k-ili-nriia np.m 1 to- |.,-l„-.|.[, ■■ \.::-m tint u-n..n-lit l,v tlif -ini|.le[..■ni-:iL of it Morv.M.. m-nu-ly .Ln- fin- n-mi.-i -\ni|i:.llii/o uilli llio t Inn n it -r ■- int i.,,i ne-.L -„ ..[jtiivly i.- ho carriedii>v;iy l)V thorn a- ,0 inia-in- liiiii-.-li a vol ii »hl- ni e • MO no. I f Ai I II 1 Ll mous pretensions of tyr.uii■■. Tli»- talo i- 1. -n.m.i -U- Am.m ,11 t...;.. in a ■.:.-.■ Ii..-ivi.|..i. unknown to the Anglo- \l<. us n -,.■ K •....-, j. 1...,,; (!,...■■ i-i-rM- -.1 I-mi -,. . I.-.. ft!-., the whole going :atiL!l..- o...|iO.:VJOi» nM Vfai. and III,-.-■ 1 t-in [., i,vt f,-r-i.|. of dnhs. STREET & SMITH, Wituw and Proprierow. Wo. 11 Frankfort Street, Mew York City. ^* Siu-clinon Cupicj sent free. Text Appearing After Image: B.T.H VYWAED, Manufacturing Jeweler, 203 Broadway, N. Y. ^rf^,, POLLAK & SON. ^Sl© Mrrns, eiaum Mam , v. units, ^ VUMbV Hollar. Pipes cut to ordes and re-^^.^^ paired. CHURCH VIEWS.-Card Photographs of 1..0 lianci|)id Uinrrl 1 N-« Vi.rk uml llnmklyu; wV UllISKI IIS ill; MI-M-AOHI -?-My«>nonoiit>;i!lsent by ^^J^^^^^g^^,,!^^, y. March 12, 1864.] HAMPERS WEEKLY. J. H. Winslow & Co., 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, &c, &.C. Worth $600,000. To be sold for One Dollar eachwithout regard to value, andnot to be paid for till youknow what you are to get. BPLENDXD LIST!! Of Articles to be sold for OneDollar each. 100 Gold Huntins Cn-ed Wntche. $100 00 each. 30-0 Cameo laar Drops . >al Ear Drops 4 00 b e yarious articles, stating w In all transactions by mail, we shallcharge for forwarding the Certificates,paying postage, and doing the busi-ness, 25 cents each, which must be in-closed when the Certificate is sen Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: harpersweeklyv8bonn Title: Harper's weekly Year: 1857 (1850s) Authors: Bonner, John, 1828-1899 Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Conant, Samuel Stillman, 1831-1885? Schuyler, Montgomery, 1843-1914 Foord, John, 1842-1922 Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 Nelson, Henry Loomis, 1846-1908 Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922 Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864-1928 Hapgood, Norman, 1868-1937 Subjects: Publisher: New York : Harper &amp; Brothers Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: I.intrmi.o irf too n-rnk to ..-i\,- a ti nr i.|,-, ,f it- t Inll li:i:i , ;].;, t. I \„- iv ,.|.;- I,,-, ,.|,i. - -.. .. h-.ili..! in lo lo-i- liini=elf,ini.l tin.- itf.ct ii. nUli.i tliat jiroduced by n thritliiiR un-k-ili-nriia np.m 1 to- |.,-l„-.|.[, ■■ \.::-m tint u-n..n-lit l,v tlif -ini|.le[..■ni-:iL of it Morv.M.. m-nu-ly .Ln- fin- n-mi.-i -\ni|i:.llii/o uilli llio t Inn n it -r ■- int i.,,i ne-.L -„ ..[jtiivly i.- ho carriedii&gt;v;iy l)V thorn a- ,0 inia-in- liiiii-.-li a vol ii »hl- ni e • MO no. I f Ai I II 1 Ll mous pretensions of tyr.uii■■. Tli»- talo i- 1. -n.m.i -U- Am.m ,11 t...;.. in a ■.:.-.■ Ii..-ivi.|..i. unknown to the Anglo- \l&lt;. us n -,.■ K •....-, j. 1...,,; (!,...■■ i-i-rM- -.1 I-mi -,. . I.-.. ft!-., the whole going :atiL!l..- o...|iO.:VJOi» nM Vfai. and III,-.-■ 1 t-in [., i,vt f,-r-i.|. of dnhs. STREET &amp; SMITH, Wituw and Proprierow. Wo. 11 Frankfort Street, Mew York City. ^* Siu-clinon Cupicj sent free. Text Appearing After Image: B.T.H VYWAED, Manufacturing Jeweler, 203 Broadway, N. Y. ^rf^,, POLLAK &amp; SON. ^Sl© Mrrns, eiaum Mam , v. units, ^ VUMbV Hollar. Pipes cut to ordes and re-^^.^^ paired. CHURCH VIEWS.-Card Photographs of 1..0 lianci|)id Uinrrl 1 N-« Vi.rk uml llnmklyu; wV UllISKI IIS ill; MI-M-AOHI -?-My«&gt;nonoiit&gt;;i!lsent by ^^J^^^^^g^^,,!^^, y. March 12, 1864.] HAMPERS WEEKLY. J. H. Winslow &amp; Co., 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, &amp;c, &amp;.C. Worth $600,000. To be sold for One Dollar eachwithout regard to value, andnot to be paid for till youknow what you are to get. BPLENDXD LIST!! Of Articles to be sold for OneDollar each. 100 Gold Huntins Cn-ed Wntche. $100 00 each. 30-0 Cameo laar Drops . &gt;al Ear Drops 4 00 b e yarious articles, stating w In all transactions by mail, we shallcharge for forwarding the Certificates,paying postage, and doing the busi-ness, 25 cents each, which must be in-closed when the Certificate is sen Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Identifier: harpersweeklyv8bonn Title: Harper's weekly Year: 1857 (1850s) Authors: Bonner, John, 1828-1899 Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919 Conant, Samuel Stillman, 1831-1885? Schuyler, Montgomery, 1843-1914 Foord, John, 1842-1922 Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 Nelson, Henry Loomis, 1846-1908 Bangs, John Kendrick, 1862-1922 Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, 1864-1928 Hapgood, Norman, 1868-1937 Subjects: Publisher: New York : Harper & Brothers Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection Digitizing Sponsor: The Institute of Museum and Library Services through an Indiana State Library LSTA Grant View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: I.intrmi.o irf too n-rnk to ..-i\,- a ti nr i.|,-, ,f it- t Inll li:i:i , ;].;, t. I \„- iv ,.|.;- I,,-, ,.|,i. - -.. .. h-.ili..! in lo lo-i- liini=elf,ini.l tin.- itf.ct ii. nUli.i tliat jiroduced by n thritliiiR un-k-ili-nriia np.m 1 to- |.,-l„-.|.[, ■■ \.::-m tint u-n..n-lit l,v tlif -ini|.le[..■ni-:iL of it Morv.M.. m-nu-ly .Ln- fin- n-mi.-i -\ni|i:.llii/o uilli llio t Inn n it -r ■- int i.,,i ne-.L -„ ..[jtiivly i.- ho carriedii>v;iy l)V thorn a- ,0 inia-in- liiiii-.-li a vol ii »hl- ni e • MO no. I f Ai I II 1 Ll mous pretensions of tyr.uii■■. Tli»- talo i- 1. -n.m.i -U- Am.m ,11 t...;.. in a ■.:.-.■ Ii..-ivi.|..i. unknown to the Anglo- \l<. us n -,.■ K •....-, j. 1...,,; (!,...■■ i-i-rM- -.1 I-mi -,. . I.-.. ft!-., the whole going :atiL!l..- o...|iO.:VJOi» nM Vfai. and III,-.-■ 1 t-in [., i,vt f,-r-i.|. of dnhs. STREET & SMITH, Wituw and Proprierow. Wo. 11 Frankfort Street, Mew York City. ^* Siu-clinon Cupicj sent free. Text Appearing After Image: B.T.H VYWAED, Manufacturing Jeweler, 203 Broadway, N. Y. ^rf^,, POLLAK & SON. ^Sl© Mrrns, eiaum Mam , v. units, ^ VUMbV Hollar. Pipes cut to ordes and re-^^.^^ paired. CHURCH VIEWS.-Card Photographs of 1..0 lianci|)id Uinrrl 1 N-« Vi.rk uml llnmklyu; wV UllISKI IIS ill; MI-M-AOHI -?-My«>nonoiit>;i!lsent by ^^J^^^^^g^^,,!^^, y. March 12, 1864.] HAMPERS WEEKLY. J. H. Winslow & Co., 100,000 WATCHES, CHAINS, &c, &.C. Worth $600,000. To be sold for One Dollar eachwithout regard to value, andnot to be paid for till youknow what you are to get. BPLENDXD LIST!! Of Articles to be sold for OneDollar each. 100 Gold Huntins Cn-ed Wntche. $100 00 each. 30-0 Cameo laar Drops . >al Ear Drops 4 00 b e yarious articles, stating w In all transactions by mail, we shallcharge for forwarding the Certificates,paying postage, and doing the busi-ness, 25 cents each, which must be in-closed when the Certificate is sen Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. |