Keywords: С. Г. Чириков - Александр Сергеевич Пушкин (акварель).jpg watercolor Alexander Pushkin in 1810 Alexandre Pouchkine en 1810 С Г Чи� иков - Александ� Се� геевич Пушкин Цент� альный музей А С Пушкина; photo by George Shuklin 1810 С Г Чи� иков If applicable PD-old-100 In all other cases PD-old-100 Portraits of Aleksandr Pushkin QualityImage Portrait drawings in Alexander Pushkin's Museum Prechistenka Quality images by George Shuklin Quality images of people in Russia Watercolor paintings in Russia Watercolor paintings of children Taken with Sony DSC-R1 Quality images of paintings |