Keywords: cymru wales llyfrgell genedlaethol cymru llyfrgellgenedlaetholcymru national library of wales nationallibraryofwales dillwyn llewelyn, john (1810-1882) dillwynllewelynjohn18101882 knight, james knightjames dillwyn llewelyn, emma charlotte (1837-1928) dillwynllewelynemmacharlotte18371928 dillwyn llewelyn, lucy caroline (1846-1920) dillwynllewelynlucycaroline18461920 dillwyn llewelyn, john talbot (1836-1927) dillwynllewelynjohntalbot18361927 dillwyn llewelyn, thereza mary (1834-1926) dillwynllewelyntherezamary18341926 dillwyn llewelyn, elinor amy (1844-1887) dillwynllewelynelinoramy18441887 dillwyn llewelyn, william mansel (1838-1866) dillwynllewelynwilliammansel18381866 lloyd, alice lloydalice fire children dogs group portraits groupportraits plaid welsh smoke bonfire night bonfirenight guy fawkes guyfawkes Ffotograffydd/Photographer: John Dillwyn Llewelyn (1810-1882) Nodyn/Note Other title : ‘Remember, Remember the 5th of November’. Photographed are: Le James Knight (family tutor), Emma Charlotte, Lucy, John Talbot, Thereza, Elinor and Willy Dillwyn Llewelyn, and Alice Lloyd (nurse) Probably the same image as No 470.3 in the Photographic Society of London Exhibition, 1856. The image which was allegedly carried off by Queen Victoria from the Exhibition. Dyddiad/Date: Possibly 1853 Cyfrwng/Medium: Print taken from a collodion negative. Cyfeiriad/Reference: viv00118 (pb02376/65) Rhif cofnod / Record no.: 3590001 Rhagor o wybodaeth am Ffotograffiaeth Gynnar Abertawe yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru More information about Early Swansea Photography at the National Library of Wales Ffotograffydd/Photographer: John Dillwyn Llewelyn (1810-1882) Nodyn/Note Other title : ‘Remember, Remember the 5th of November’. Photographed are: Le James Knight (family tutor), Emma Charlotte, Lucy, John Talbot, Thereza, Elinor and Willy Dillwyn Llewelyn, and Alice Lloyd (nurse) Probably the same image as No 470.3 in the Photographic Society of London Exhibition, 1856. The image which was allegedly carried off by Queen Victoria from the Exhibition. Dyddiad/Date: Possibly 1853 Cyfrwng/Medium: Print taken from a collodion negative. Cyfeiriad/Reference: viv00118 (pb02376/65) Rhif cofnod / Record no.: 3590001 Rhagor o wybodaeth am Ffotograffiaeth Gynnar Abertawe yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru More information about Early Swansea Photography at the National Library of Wales <b>Ffotograffydd/Photographer:</b> John Dillwyn Llewelyn (1810-1882)
<b>Nodyn/Note</b> Other title : ‘Remember, Remember the 5th of November’. Photographed are: Le James Knight (family tutor), Emma Charlotte, Lucy, John Talbot, Thereza, Elinor and Willy Dillwyn Llewelyn, and Alice Lloyd (nurse)
Probably the same image as No 470.3 in the Photographic Society of London Exhibition, 1856. The image which was allegedly carried off by Queen Victoria from the Exhibition.
<b>Dyddiad/Date:</b> Possibly 1853
<b>Cyfrwng/Medium:</b> Print taken from a collodion negative.
<b>Cyfeiriad/Reference:</b> viv00118 (pb02376/65)
<b>Rhif cofnod / Record no.:</b> <a href=" 3590001" rel="nofollow">3590001</a>
<i><a href="" rel="nofollow">Rhagor o wybodaeth</a> am Ffotograffiaeth Gynnar Abertawe yn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru</i>
<i><a href="" rel="nofollow">More information</a> about Early Swansea Photography at the National Library of Wales</i> dogs wales children fire smoke cymru guyfawkes welsh plaid bonfirenight llyfrgellgenedlaetholcymru nationallibraryofwales groupportraits dillwynllewelynjohn18101882 dillwynllewelynjohntalbot18361927 dillwynllewelynwilliammansel18381866 knightjames dillwynllewelynlucycaroline18461920 dillwynllewelyntherezamary18341926 dillwynllewelynelinoramy18441887 lloydalice dillwynllewelynemmacharlotte18371928 |