MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Baptiste Oudry - Henri Camille, Chevalier de Beringhen (1722).jpg Artwork Creator Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1722 Oil on canvas cm 147 114 Institution National Gallery of Art Gallery 53 accession number 1994 14 1 object history Acquired c 1860 by ...
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Keywords: Jean-Baptiste Oudry - Henri Camille, Chevalier de Beringhen (1722).jpg Artwork Creator Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1722 Oil on canvas cm 147 114 Institution National Gallery of Art Gallery 53 accession number 1994 14 1 object history Acquired c 1860 by Léonel-Rémi-François marquis de Moustier 1817-1869; his son René marquis de Mousiter 1850-1935; his son Léonel-Marie-Ghislain-Alfred marquis de Moustier 1882-1945; his son Roland marquis de Moustier 1909-2001 Château de Bournel Rougemont; purchased 1993 through Eric Turquin Paris by Wildenstein Co Inc New York ;<ref>Provenance provided by Wildenstein Co Inc New York </ref> sold 7 March 1994 to NGA <small> reflist </small> credit line Eugene L and Marie-Louise Garbaty Fund Patrons' Permanent Fund and Chester Dale Fund exhibition history 2000 Art for the Nation Collecting for a New Century National Gallery of Art Washington D C 2000-2001 unnumbered catalogue repro JB Oudry 1722 ~ lower right signature and date http //www nga gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page 84377 html National Gallery of Art Washington D C PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Oudry Jean-Baptiste; Portrait male Henri Camille 1722; NGA Portrait paintings by Jean-Baptiste Oudry 18th-century portrait paintings in the National Gallery of Art 1722 French paintings in the National Gallery of Art 1722 oil on canvas paintings in the United States Portrait 1722 portrait paintings from France Male 18th-century oil portraits of sitting men at three-quarter length 1722 18th-century portrait paintings with dogs 1722 Allonge wigs in paintings 1722 Portrait paintings of men with dogs 1722
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