Keywords: JPEG compression Q90-Q100 animated.gif JPEG artifacts animation Compressed using cjpeg <code>-quality</code> argument varies from 90 to 100 800 zoom own 2011-07-23 User Trycatch Source Bash script to generate the file using ImageMagick 6 6 2 <pre><nowiki> /bin/bash convert -size 64x64 xc none +antialias -fill grey60 -draw 'rectangle 0 0 63 63' -fill grey80 \ -draw 'line 0 0 64 0' -draw 'line 0 5 64 5' -draw 'line 0 10 64 10' -draw 'line 0 15 64 15' \ -draw 'line 0 20 64 20' -draw 'line 0 25 64 25' -draw 'line 0 30 64 30' -draw 'line 0 35 64 35' \ -draw 'line 0 40 64 40' -draw 'line 0 45 64 45' -draw 'line 0 50 64 50' -draw 'line 0 55 64 55' \ -draw 'line 0 60 64 60' \ -draw 'line -5 0 5 64' \ -draw 'line 0 0 10 64' -draw 'line 5 0 15 64' -draw 'line 10 0 20 64' -draw 'line 15 0 25 64' \ -draw 'line 20 0 30 64' -draw 'line 25 0 35 64' -draw 'line 30 0 40 64' -draw 'line 35 0 45 64' \ -draw 'line 40 0 50 64' -draw 'line 45 0 55 64' -draw 'line 50 0 60 64' -draw 'line 55 0 65 64' \ tga sample1 tga FRAMES1 for i in 90 100 do cjpeg -quality i sample1 tga > sample1-q i jpg convert sample1-q i jpg -filter point -resize 800 -pointsize 20 -fill black \ -gravity NorthWest -annotate +5+5 Q i -crop 256x256+0+0 png sample1-q i png FRAMES1 FRAMES1 -page +0+0 sample1-q i png done convert -delay 50 -size 256x256 FRAMES1 -loop 0 output1 gif </nowiki></pre> Cc-zero JPEG artifacts Animated GIF Images with BASH source code |