Keywords: Jules Frédéric Bouchet - The Salon in the Montpensier Wing, Palais Royal - Google Art Project (NwHBMNhp qaH4Q).jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title The Salon in the Montpensier Wing Palais Royal core creator Jules Frédéric Bouchet core date dateCreated 1826/1836 core type Drawing core relation http //collection cooperhewitt org/view/objects/asitem/id/229908 core rights Thaw Collection core format medium Brush and watercolor over graphite brush and white gouache on tan wove paper art artist_date 1799/1860 c-017299e7 customtext signed Lower left J Bouchet c-017299e7 customtext provenance Eugene V Thaw Collection; Galerie Jacques Fischer Paris c-017299e7 customtext paper_support Tan wove paper c-017299e7 customtext inscribed Lower center in margin Petit Salon de l'appartement de l'aile de Montpensier c-017299e7 customtext exhibitions New York NY Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum Smithsonian Institution House Proud Nineteenth-century Watercolor Interiors from the Thaw Collection August 12 2008-January 25 2009 c-017299e7 customtext dimensions Frame H x W x D 28 3 x 33 7 x 5 1 cm 11 1/8 x 13 1/4 x 2 in Sheet 16 5 x 23 cm 6 1/2 x 9 1/16 in c-017299e7 customtext bibliography Charlotte Gere and Floramae McCarron-Cates House Proud From Amateur to Professional and from Grand to Comfortable in Gail S Davidson et al House Proud Nineteenth-Century Watercolor Interiors from the Thaw Collection New York Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum Smithsonian Institution 2008 32 fig 4; 84 pl 11 Gail S Davidson Masterworks House Proud Interiors from the Thaw Collection Veranda November-December 2008 132-133; 238 illus 132 google display_date 1826/1836 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 00000000017299e7 google picasa_token 74GwgRIcNCVJp4xTl7C5gGqSG_s special url_id NwHBMNhp_qaH4Q google partner/name Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum special partner/name_no_lang Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum PD-old-100-1923 Google Art Project works by Jules Frédéric Bouchet Historical images of Palais Royal Chandeliers in Paris Salons in France Watercolor paintings Google Art Project works in Cooper-Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum |