MAKE A MEME View Large Image Kantikou p2.svg br Skrid-sonerezh eil bajenn Kantikou brezonek eskopti Zan-Briek ha Landreger https //commons wikimedia org/w/index php title File Kantikou_brezonek_eskopti_Zan-Briek_ha_Landreger djvu page 7 Anonymous 1924 LilyPond source ...
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Keywords: Kantikou p2.svg br Skrid-sonerezh eil bajenn Kantikou brezonek eskopti Zan-Briek ha Landreger https //commons wikimedia org/w/index php title File Kantikou_brezonek_eskopti_Zan-Briek_ha_Landreger djvu page 7 Anonymous 1924 LilyPond source <pre> \version 2 18 2 \include gregorian ly \paper paper-width 13\cm line-width 12 5\cm paper-height 8 5\cm bottom-margin 1\mm top-margin 1\mm make-footer f \score << \new VaticanaVoice cantus \override Staff StaffSymbol 'color black \clef medicaea-do3 f \g\melisma \pes \auctum \ascendens a\melismaEnd \ a a a g a f \divisioMaxima a a a a a f \g\melisma \pes \auctum \ascendens a\melismaEnd \ g f \finalis s1 \break a a a \finalis f \g\melisma \pes \auctum \ascendens a\melismaEnd \ a a a a g a s1 \break f \divisioMaxima a a a a f \g\melisma \pes \auctum \ascendens a\melismaEnd \ g f \finalis \break s1 f \g\melisma \pes \auctum \ascendens a\melismaEnd \ a a a \finalis f \g\melisma \pes \auctum \ascendens a\melismaEnd \ a \new Lyrics \lyricsto cantus \set fontSize -1 0 Hon Tad pe -- hi -- ni zo en Env ho ha -- no be -- zet zan -- ti -- fi -- et Ho rouanteles etc ”Me ho sa -- lud Ma -- ri leun a c ™hras an O -- trou Dou -- e zo ge -- nac ™h Me gred en Dou -- e Me govez etc >> \layout line-width 125 Songs of Brittany SVG musical notation Images with LilyPond source code 1924 works in Bretagne PD-old
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