Keywords: Kraljevina SHS 1919.svg en Serbia in the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes Srbsko_1919 svg 2010-09-26 00 30 UTC Srbsko_1919 svg Jaspe derivative work <font style background black face Courier color white > Bojan </font><font style background white face Courier color black > Talk </font> translated to Serbian BokicaK Srbsko_1919 svg Own work by uploader Jaspe Maps of the h</nowiki> 2008-06-21T17 01 59Z Jaspe 3736x2705 545655 Bytes <nowiki> Summary en Serbia in the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes Own work by uploader User Jaspe Jaspe Maps of the </nowiki> 2008-06-21T16 55 44Z Jaspe 595x431 543928 Bytes <nowiki> en Serbia in the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes Own work by uploader User Jaspe Jaspe full Maps o</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Category Maps of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia SVG maps in Serbian |