Keywords: Kt plaque percee symetrique traction.svg fr Abaque de facteur de concentration de contrainte K</sub>t</sub> dans le cas d'une plaque fine de largeur finie percée en son milieu la contrainte est uniforme loin du trou en Stress concentration factor K</sub>t</sub> chart for a thin plate under traction with a hole in its middle the stress is uniform far away from the hole 2013-04-25 14 15 18 own from Pilkey Walter D Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors 2<sup>nd</sup> ed Wiley sons 1997 ISBN 97-0-471-53849-3 p 256 Cdang inkscape cdang ; Calculation <math>\mathrm K_t \mathrm C _1 + \mathrm C _2 \alpha + \mathrm C _3 \alpha 2 + \mathrm C _4 \alpha 3</math> <math>\alpha 1 - \frac d \mathrm H </math> wikitable + Coefficient for the calculation of K<sub>t</sub> - 2 0 �� d/H �� 0 5 - scope row C<sub>1</sub> 2 - scope row C<sub>2</sub> 0 284 - scope row C<sub>3</sub> -0 600 - scope row C<sub>4</sub> 1 32 The formula can be simplified for d/H �� 0 3 to K<sub>t</sub> 2 + α<sup>3</sup> cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Stress concentration |