Keywords: LantCarpenterBio.jpg en A cropped picture from Memoirs of the Life of Rev Lant Carpenter LL D By his son Russell Lant Carpenter Published Green Newgate Street London England and Philip and Evans Calre Street Bristol England 1842 and by Google Books online < http //books google com/books > See http //books google com/books id cS52bX-Jzx0C dq memoirs 20of 20Lant 20Carpenter pg PR1 v onepage q f false The 1842 book Memoirs of the Life of Rev Lant Carpenter LL D The jpg is a cropped version of the picture in that book Russell Lant Carpenter 1842 cropped by me for Bio pic 2010-12-12 Public domain picture cropped by me for use in Wikipedia and for Commons Memoir of the Rev Lant Carpenter LL D by Carpenter Russell Lant B A and abridged by his sister Mary Carpenter in 1875 Memoir of the Rev Lant Carpenter LL D by Carpenter Russell Lant B A and abridged by his sister Mary Carpenter Published by E T Whitfield 178 Strand W C London England 1875 Printed by Arrowsmith Printer Quay Street Bristol England See http //www archive org/stream/memoirofrevlantc00carpuoft page/n7/mode/2up PD-Art Lant Carpenter |