Keywords: Laplaces method.svg Laplace's method for the approximation of integrals Created using python with numpy and matplotlib toolkits cot Source Code <source lang python > from matplotlib pyplot import from mpl_toolkits axes_grid axislines import SubplotZero from numpy import N L fs 500 15 12 M 5 3 x1 linspace -L L N f lambda x sin x / x g lambda x 1 - x 2 /6 y lambda m x exp m f x z lambda m x exp m g x fig figure figsize 3 6 ax1 SubplotZero fig 211 ax2 SubplotZero fig 212 fig add_subplot ax1 fig add_subplot ax2 ax1 axis top set_visible False ax1 axis right set_visible False ax1 axis left set_axisline_style -> ax1 axis bottom set_axisline_style -> ax1 set_yticks 0 5 1 1 5 ax1 set_xticks -10 0 10 ax2 axis top set_visible False ax2 axis right set_visible False ax2 axis left set_axisline_style -> ax2 axis bottom set_axisline_style -> ax2 set_yticks 0 5 10 15 20 ax2 set_xticks -10 0 10 ax set_xlim -1 10 ax set_ylim -3 3 ax1 plot x1 z M0 x1 'r' lw 2 ax1 plot x1 y M0 x1 'b' lw 2 ax2 plot x1 z M1 x1 'r' lw 2 ax2 plot x1 y M1 x1 'b' lw 2 ax text 10 -2 8 u' n ' ax text - 75 3 u' X_n ' fig savefig Laplaces_method svg bbox_inches tight pad_inches 15 </source> cob 2011-09-09 own Krishnavedala Based on File Laplaces_method png cc-zero Uploaded_with_UploadWizard Created with Matplotlib Images with Python source code Numerical_analysis |