Keywords: lasioglossum lasioglossum truncatum lasioglossumtruncatum taxonomy:binomial=lasioglossum truncatum taxonomy:binomial=lasioglossumtruncatum halictidae evylaeus u.s. us pollinator north america northamerica usgs biml droege bee bees anthophila apoidea bug bugs pollinators animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta hymenoptera aculeata halictid halictid bee halictidbee sweat bee sweatbee sweat bees sweatbees halictinae halictini female back dorsal wings abdomen ocelli antenna antennae zerene zerene stacker zerenestacker stacked macro macro photography macrophotography stackshot usgsbiml black background photo border surreal A male, with great, long antennae, the yellow tarsal segments are distinctive in conjuction with the yellow on the clypeus and the slightly weakened veins in the wings. Collected by Tim McMahon and photoed by Dejen Mengis A male, with great, long antennae, the yellow tarsal segments are distinctive in conjuction with the yellow on the clypeus and the slightly weakened veins in the wings. Collected by Tim McMahon and photoed by Dejen Mengis |