Keywords: Laurits Andersen Ring - The sick man - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist Creator Laurits Andersen Ring commons title commons date 1902 commons medium oil on canvas commons dimensions cm 45 7 52 7 commons institution Institution Hirschsprung Collection commons location commons references https //www kulturarv dk/kid/VisVaerk do vaerkId 89805 Bildindeks Danmark commons object_history Acquisition 1903 commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number 492 commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title The sick man core creator Laurits Andersen Ring core date dateCreated 1902 core format w45 7 x h52 7 cm core type Painting art artist_date art artist_death_place Skt Jørgensbjerg art artist_nationality Danish art artist_birth_place Ring google display_date 1902 google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id lwEgERUyFH0hqg google street_view_level/id 11879728161999947185 google street_view_location 55 689826965332031 12 577417373657227 1 0499999523162842 9PXr2CQiqhzuUsYoxSOkNQ google partner/id 0000000001854db2 google is_artproject TRUE google picasa_token 8RuN83v3RiRJtRIJ7b8xgRuINsc special url_id LwHu8pnSqX4BlQ google partner/name The Hirschsprung Collection special partner/name_no_lang The Hirschsprung Collection PD-old-auto-1923 1933 Laurits Andersen Ring Paintings in the Hirschsprung Collection Google Art Project works by Laurits Andersen Ring |