Keywords: Liebig Company Trading Card Ad 01.12.004 front.tif Antoine Lavoisier and Claude Louis Berthollet Image is of two main figures in a laboratory ; one figure is dressed in breaches and a long coat with hat in hand leaning on a chair the other figure is dressed in breaches with a blue apron and holding a glass tube; there is a circular inset of Berthollet on the right side Extensive text on verso Front EXTRAIT DE VIANDE DE LA Cie LIEBIG / CHEMISTES CELEBRES / 3 Visite de Bethollet à Lavoisier à la Sorbonne à Paris / Reproduction interdite / Voir l'explication au verso EXTRACT OF MEAT CO LIEBIG / FAMOUS CHEMISTS / 3 Visit by Berthollet to Lavoisier at the Sorbonne in Paris / Reproduction prohibited / See explanation on reverse Verso L'homme d'esprit seul sait manger Brillat-Savarin / Sans être l'auteur de La Physiologie du Goût vous tenez sans / doute à une nourriture succulente saine et nutritive Vous l'aurez / en ajoutant à tous les mets du Libox l extrait de Viande assaisonné / de la Cie Liebig qui favorise l'appétit et la digestion et augmente / la valeur nutritive des aliments tout en leur donnant ce gout arrondi / tant apprécié des gourmets Visite de Berthollet à la Sorbonne à Paris / Antoine Laurent Lavoisier le Père de la chimie modern né à Paris en 1743 / guillotiné en 1794 a rendu des services inestimable à la chimie Il dirigeait les / recherches dans des voies purement scientifiques et faisait largement usage de la / balance Les methods de distinguer les corps organiques des corps non-organiques / donnèrent aux recherches chimiques des directions toutes nouvelles - Comte Claude- / Louis Berthollet né en 1748 à Talloires en Savoie mort en 1822 à Paris était éga- / lement un chimiste très célèbre à qui on doit plusieurs découvertes et lois chimiques / de grande importance Il participa à la campagne d'Egypte de Napoléon 1er et le / est l'auteur d'oeuvres diverses The clever man knows food Brillat-Savarin Without being the author of The Physiology of Taste you hold without doubt succulent food healthy and nutritious You'll be adding all the dishes by adding Libox the seasoned meat extract by Cie Liebig which promotes appetite and digestion and increases the nutritional value of food while giving them a well rounded taste much appreciated by gourmets Visit by Berthollet at the Sorbonne in Paris Antoine Laurent Lavoisier the Father of Modern Chemistry born in Paris in 1743 guillotined in 1794 has rendered invaluable services to chemistry He directed research in purely scientific ways and made extensive use of the balance His methods to distinguish organic bodies from non-organic bodies in chemical research gave all-new directions Count Claude-Louis Berthollet born in 1748 in Talloires in Savoy died in 1822 in Paris was also a famous chemist with many discoveries and chemical laws of great importance He participated in the Egyptian campaign of Napoleon 1st and is the author of various works date 1929 ink paper in 4 375 2 750 Institution Chemical Heritage Foundation object history exhibition history credit line http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation Image downloaded with permission from the Chemical Heritage Foundation as part of the Wikipedian in Residence initiative CHF-cooperation anonymous-EU accession number 01 12 004 Collectible cards of Liebig's Extract of Meat Company 1880 Images from the Chemical Heritage Foundation Campaign in Egypt 1798-1801 |