Keywords: Logarithms Britannica 1797.png Lead paragraph of Logarithms article in 1797 Britannica http //books google com/books id DoJMAAAAMAAJ pg PA119 Britannica 1797 vol 10 p 119 via google book search 1797 Colin Macfarquhar editor PD-old-100 Logarithm ImageNote 1 21 21 946 310 997 354 2 Logarithms from https //en wiktionary org/wiki/λόγος λόγος ratio and https //en wiktionary org/wiki/αριθμός αριθμός number the indices of the ratios of numbers to one another; being a series of numbers in arithmetical progression corresponding to others in geometrical progression; by means of which arithmetical calculations can be made with much more ease and expedition than otherwise ImageNoteEnd 1 |