Keywords: Lovis Corinth - Female Semi-Nude with Hat - Google Art Project.jpg ~ 1910 1858 Tapiau 1858 1925 Zandvoort 1925 Lovis 708064 Corinth 1858 - 1925 /collection/museum-kunstpalast-dusseldorf/artwork/female-semi-nude-with-hat-lovis-corinth/717172/ 307 Lovis Corinth /artist/lovis-corinth/4128041/ 4128041 /collection/museum-kunstpalast-dusseldorf/ Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf 432804 http //www smkp de/ /collection/museum-kunstpalast-dusseldorf/artwork/female-semi-nude-with-hat-lovis-corinth/717172/ 1910 c 1910 Pinsel in Hell- und Dunkelbraun über Bleistift Spuren von Rötel laviert 383 717172 False 1910 K 1919-1063 http //www smkp de/ Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf Sammlung der Kunstakademie NRW ; photo Horst Kolberg Neuss Brush in light and dark brown ink over pencil traces of red chalk wash 1910 1920 w283 x h383 cm c 1910 False 0 732421875 Prints Drawings female-semi-nude-with-hat-lovis-corinth Female Semi-Nude with Hat f 283 Object_Title_ german Weiblicher Halbakt mit Hut Object_Work_Type_ german Pinsel in Hell- und Dunkelbraun über Bleistift Spuren von Rötel laviert special url_id uwE_jfmDS_HdGw 1925 Lovis Corinth Google Art Project works by Lovis Corinth Nude sitting women in art Female headgear in art |