MAKE A MEME View Large Image Lucas Cranach the Elder - Venus with Cupid Stealing Honey - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project Q20434340 Creator Lucas Cranach I cm 68 6 49 8 room 202 http //www smk dk/en/explore-the-art/search-smk/ /detail/KMSsp719 Statens Museum ...
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Keywords: Lucas Cranach the Elder - Venus with Cupid Stealing Honey - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project Q20434340 Creator Lucas Cranach I cm 68 6 49 8 room 202 http //www smk dk/en/explore-the-art/search-smk/ /detail/KMSsp719 Statens Museum for Kunst ProvenanceEvent 1759 conveyance langswitch Kunstkammeret Danish Kunstkammer langswitch Gottorp Slot Gottorp Castle Cranach im Dienst von Hof und Reformation About 1472 Kronach Kronach 1470 1553 Weimar Weimar 1553 Lucas the elder Male 559339 Cranach German About 1472 Kronach - 1553 Weimar en/explore-the-art/the-royal-collections/european-art-1300-1800/highlights/lucas-cranach-the-elder-venus-with-cupid-stealing-honey/ Creator /artist/lucas-cranach-the-elder/4129007/ 4129007 /collection/statens-museum-for-kunst/ Statens Museum for Kunst 344012 langswitch http //www smk dk/udforsk-kunsten/highlights/lucas-cranach-den-aeldre-venus-og-cupido-som-honningtyv/ http //www smk dk/en/explore-the-art/highlights/lucas-cranach-the-elder-venus-with-cupid-stealing-honey/ 11/30/2011 2 18 35 PM en/explore-the-art/the-royal-collections/european-art-1300-1800/highlights/lucas-cranach-the-elder-venus-with-cupid-stealing-honey/ 1530 1530 Olie på træ Oil on panel Acquired 1759 Overdraget fra Gottorp Slot 1759 580 430618 False 1530 Without frame 5/31/2012 10 41 34 AM KMSsp719 langswitch http //www smk dk/udforsk-kunsten/highlights/lucas-cranach-den-aeldre-venus-og-cupido-som-honningtyv/ http //www smk dk/en/explore-the-art/highlights/lucas-cranach-the-elder-venus-with-cupid-stealing-honey/ http //www smk dk/en/copyright/ Statens Museum for Kunst Statens Museum for Kunst Painting 1530 1540 w380 x h580 cm 1530 False 0 66796875 http //www smk dk/en/copyright/creative-commons/ Object venus-with-cupid-stealing-honey-lucas-cranach-the-elder Venus with Cupid Stealing Honey v 380 Venus og Cupido som honningtyv http //www smk dk/udforsk-kunsten/highlights/lucas-cranach-den-aeldre-venus-og-cupido-som-honningtyv/ en Oil on panel en Acquired 1759 Overdraget fra Gottorp Slot 1759 Olie på træ special url_id RQGJVkNd2m5aqg PD-old-100-1923 1553 DEFAULTSORT Cranach Lucas 1; Venus with Cupid stealing honey; Copenhagen Venus with Cupid stealing honey by Lucas Cranach I German paintings in Statens Museum for Kunst 1530 paintings Cranach im Dienst von Hof und Reformation Google Art Project works by Lucas Cranach the Elder
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