Keywords: Macedonia topography-en.svg Macedonia i e the Republic of Macedonia the Greek province of Macedonia and southwestern Bulgaria own Future Perfect at Sunrise 2009-01-12 Macedonia topography-He svg This file version has non-horizontal text labels converted to paths to ensure correct display with renderers that don't do advanced text layout along paths If you want to modify or translate this map please work on the basis of File Macedonia topography texts svg which has the labels preserved as texts but will only display correctly in Inkscape <gallery> File Map of the region Macedonia on Macedonia svg Macedonian version </gallery> Made with GRASS GIS and Inkscape software from public-domain geo data SRTM3 SWBD VMAP0 See the excellent tutorials by User Sting at w fr Wikipédia Atelier graphique/Didacticiels cartographiques/Didacticiels pour la cartographie numérique géoréférencée Relief levels vectorised and exported to SVG; relief shading is embedded bitmap graphics Geographical extent c 20 5E to 25 3E 39 8N to 42 4N; map projection Lambert conformal conic with standard parallels 40 and 42N standard meridian 23E Scale approx 1 1 600 000 at nominal SVG size SVG maps of Greece Topographic maps of Greece SVG maps of the Republic of Macedonia Topographic maps of the Republic of Macedonia Macedonia Greece Topographic shading SVG maps in English GRASS GIS |