Keywords: Marie Krøyer - Double portrait of Marie and P.S. Krøyer. The couple have portrayed one another - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Skagens Museum commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title en Double portrait of Marie and P S Krøyer The couple have portrayed one another core date dateCreated 1890 core format en w18 7 x h15 cm Without frame core type en Oil on canvas core rights en Skagens Museum art artist_date 1867/1940 art artist_nationality en Danish c-0d8a08e5 customtext original_title Dobbeltportræt af Marie og P S Krøyer c-0d8a08e5 customtext german_title en Doppelporträt von Marie und P S Krøyer Beide malten jeweils das Porträt des anderen c-0d8a08e5 creator painter en Marie Krøyer google display_date 1890 google homepage_image TRUE google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google street_view_asset/id EgG8_cSw-IrjfQ google street_view_level/id 6291987383502185979 google street_view_location 57 724529266357422 10 597254753112793 1 0900000333786011 o0Cdo_sf0-V1HD_bTZ5PfA google partner/id 000000000d8a08e5 google partner/name en Skagens Museum google picasa_token L2B8J4kiDadgL6jNqC-SCIlv4wo special url_id bQGsSVyDeRb13g special partner/name_no_lang Skagens Museum PD-old-auto-1923 1940 Marie Krøyer Google Art Project works by Marie Krøyer |