Keywords: Mediterranean Sea political map-fr.svg Map in French of the W Mediterranean Sea with the borders and the name of the States following the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code Carte en français de la W Mer Méditerranée fr avec les frontières et les noms des États suivant le code ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Mapa en francés del W Mar Mediterráneo es con las fronteras y los códigos de los Estados segun la norma ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Karte des Wd Mittelmeer mit Staaten ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code und Grenzen in französisch Own work ;<br/>Raster background map screenshot from NASA World Wind Public Domain 2007-06 Eric Gaba Sting - fr Sting All rights released <gallery> File Mediterranian_Sea_16 61811E_38 99124N jpg Completely blank File Mediterranean_Sea_political_map-blank svg Blank with State borders File Mediterranean_Sea_political_map-en svg English </gallery> Other fields + Maps Atelier graphique carte Translation possible PD-WorldWind fr French Wikipedia Sting Maps of the Mediterranean Sea Satellite pictures of Africa Satellite pictures of Europe SVG maps in French Mediterranee ISO 3166 NASA World Wind |