Keywords: eutricharaea megachile rotundata megachilerotundata alfalfa leafcutter bee alfalfaleafcutterbee taxonomy:binomial=megachile rotundata taxonomy:binomial=megachilerotundata bug bugs bee bees pollinator pollinators animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta hymenoptera aculeata anthophila apoidea megachilidae megachilinae megachilini megachile usgs biml droege stackshot zerene stacker zerenestacker introduced feral invasive usgsbiml black background A purposefully introduced bee, used, at times, in the pollination of alfalfa and other crops, but now widely naturalized and can be found throughout North America, particularly in urban or disturbed areas. Collected by Tim McMahon in Cecil County Maryland and photographed by Brooke Alexander A purposefully introduced bee, used, at times, in the pollination of alfalfa and other crops, but now widely naturalized and can be found throughout North America, particularly in urban or disturbed areas. Collected by Tim McMahon in Cecil County Maryland and photographed by Brooke Alexander |