Keywords: Motorola 6800 Assembly Language.png An assembly language listing for a Motorola 6800 8-bit microprocessor This is a page from a Monitor program that communicates to a serial terminal connected to a MC6850 Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter ACIA The routines here initialize the ACIA INITA read an ASCII character INCH and read a hexadecimal digit INHEX The first line of the INCH routine is located at hexadecimal memory address C010 and has the label INCH in the first text column The instruction LDA A ACIA is a load accumulator A opcode B6 from location 8004 The symbol ACIA is defined as 8004 on a previous page This program was used in a single board Motorola MC6802 system that was designed and built as a university project in 1980 by Michael Holley Own Swtpc6800 en User Swtpc6800 Michael Holley 1980-09-14 Motorola M6800 Scans by User Swtpc6800 |