Keywords: Music notation.png Music notation svg treble clef a time signature 4/4 a C whole note semibreve a bar line a B half note minim a C half note on a ledger line another bar line a time signature change to 2/4 an F quarter note crotchet an A eighth note quaver an F-sharp sixteenth note semiquaver beamed to an E-flat sixteenth note a double bar line clave de sol la indicación de compás 4/4 un do redonda una barra de compás un si blanca un do blanca en una línea adicional otra barra de compás un cambio de indicación de compás a 2/4 un fa negra un la corchea un fa sostenido semicorchea unido a un mi bemol semicorchea una doble barra de compás que indica fin de la partitura cambio de compás o de clave en wikipedia Created with GNU LilyPond and post-processed with GraphicConverter 2003-09-21 Dysprosia wikipedia en Later versions were uploaded by Bdesham at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia bdesham LilyPond source <pre> \version 2 4 2 tune \relative c \clef treble \key c \major \override Staff TimeSignature 'style ' \time 4/4 c1 b2 c \time 2/4 f'4 a 8 fis16 ees \bar \score \new Staff \tune \layout raggedright t </pre> original upload log page en wikipedia Music_notation png 2004-11-27 18 15 Bdesham 425×73×4 1694 bytes <nowiki>better-looking version made with lilypond</nowiki> 2003-09-21 13 47 Dysprosia 485×324×8 9500 bytes <nowiki>Diagram of some musical symbols ed by myself w/ great thanks to Camembert</nowiki> ImageNote 1 106 42 8 8 425 73 2 whole note ImageNoteEnd 1 Sheet music examples |