Keywords: NaturalHistoryReviewVol4p70.jpg en Alexander Henry Haliday 1857 Review Zoonomische briefe allgemeine darstellung der Thierischen Organisation Von Dr Hermann Page 70 Burmeister Professor der Zoologie zu Halle Notes 1 Transcendentalism is a group of ideas in literature and philosophy that developed in the 1830s and '40s as a protest against the general state of culture and society and in particular the state of intellectualism at Harvard University and the doctrine of the Unitarian church taught at Harvard Divinity School Among transcendentalists' core beliefs was the belief in an ideal spirituality that transcends the physical and empirical and is realized only through the individual's intuition rather than through the doctrines of established religions 2 Rank-based and phylogenetic nomenclature differ in philosophical outlook Rank-based nomenclature is linked to classification it starts with the known species or subspecies or varieties or even individuals waits for an act of classification to group them into larger taxa and then asks how to name these taxa Phylogenetic nomenclature on the other hand starts with the phylogenetic tree of life as hypothesized by the science of phylogenetics and asks how and where to tie labels to its branches Furthermore phylogenetic nomenclature follows the nomenclature in other sciences in trying to define its terms as precisely as possible while rank-based nomenclature deliberately keeps its definitions incomplete for example Principle 2 of the ICZN is Nomenclature does not determine the inclusiveness or exclusiveness of any taxon This is the result of a third philosophical difference users of rank-based nomenclature commonly start from a name and ask for its meaning in other words which taxon the name should be applied to while users of phylogenetic nomenclature tend to start from a clade and ask what to call it http //www archive org A Haliday 1856 PD-old-100 Natural History Review Haliday |