Keywords: samuel j hood collection samueljhoodcollection hood collection hoodcollection hood defence navy royal australian navy royalaustraliannavy naval personnel navalpersonnel cadets snapper island snapperisland sydney inspection 1935 federal minister for defence federalministerfordefence politician sir robert archdale parkhill sirrobertarchdaleparkhill training depot trainingdepot training facility trainingfacility training nautical boys nauticalboys navy sea league cadets navysealeaguecadets leonard e forsythe leonardeforsythe forsythe hmas sydney hmassydney drummoyne sydney training depot sydneytrainingdepot blackandwhite monochrome black and white This photograph depicts the Navy Sea League Cadets at Snapper Island in Sydney during an inspection lead by Federal Minister for Defence, Sir Robert Archdale Parkhill, on 20 July 1935. Minister Parkhill presented badges to the cadets for their part in building the depot as a national memorial to HMAS SYDNEY I, which had been decommissioned in 1928 and scrapped in 1932. This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic age of sail and two world wars. The photos in the collection were taken mainly in Sydney and Newcastle during the first half of the 20th century. The ANMM undertakes research and accepts public comments that enhance the information we hold about images in our collection. This record has been updated accordingly. Photographer: Samuel J. Hood Studio Collection Object no. 00024966 This photograph depicts the Navy Sea League Cadets at Snapper Island in Sydney during an inspection lead by Federal Minister for Defence, Sir Robert Archdale Parkhill, on 20 July 1935. Minister Parkhill presented badges to the cadets for their part in building the depot as a national memorial to HMAS SYDNEY I, which had been decommissioned in 1928 and scrapped in 1932. This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic age of sail and two world wars. The photos in the collection were taken mainly in Sydney and Newcastle during the first half of the 20th century. The ANMM undertakes research and accepts public comments that enhance the information we hold about images in our collection. This record has been updated accordingly. Photographer: Samuel J. Hood Studio Collection Object no. 00024966 |