Keywords: Neville Cayley - not titled (Australian gamebirds) - Google Art Project.jpg 1853 Dover England 1853 1903 Sydney New South Wales Australia 1903 Neville 713360 CAYLEY 1853 - 1903 /collection/national-gallery-of-australia-canberra/artwork/not-titled-australian-gamebirds-neville-cayley/717232/ Neville CAYLEY /artist/neville-cayley/4125574/ 4125574 /collection/national-gallery-of-australia-canberra/ National Gallery of Australia Canberra 388004 http //nga gov au/ 1/20/2012 7 04 05 PM /collection/national-gallery-of-australia-canberra/artwork/not-titled-australian-gamebirds-neville-cayley/717232/ 1888 1888 True 738 717232 True 1888 3/24/2012 9 38 44 AM 43910 http //artsearch nga gov au/Detail cfm IRN 43910 http //nga gov au/Collection/Copyright cfm National Gallery of Australia Purchased 1973 Watercolour 1880 1890 Australia w1282 x h738 cm 1888 False 1 72972972972973 Object not-titled-australian-gamebirds-neville-cayley not titled Australian gamebirds n 1282 special url_id 2AE5aUmuY8LvPw PD-old-100-1923 1903 Google Art Project works by Neville William Cayley Dead birds in art |