MAKE A MEME View Large Image New floral guide (16655926937).jpg New Floral Guide � Spring 1901 <br> 61 <br> The Best M w Chrysanthemums <br> The grand New Chrysanthemums described below are recommended as among the best and most <br> valuable varieties up-to-date they ...
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Keywords: New floral guide (16655926937).jpg New Floral Guide � Spring 1901 <br> 61 <br> The Best M w Chrysanthemums <br> The grand New Chrysanthemums described below are recommended as among the best and most <br> valuable varieties up-to-date they are good healthy growers early and abundant bloomers and bear <br> flowers of the largest size and most beautiful colors Many of them have taken first prizes at the great <br> shows and all are recognized as among the very best of their respective classes <br> lORA � This is a grand Chrysanthemum <br> Extra large full flowers with beautiful <br> tubular petals; clear bright pink; fine <br> artistic form very large size; a strong <br> vigorous grower; early and abundant <br> bloomer 12 cts each <br> MRS F A CONSTABLE-A magnifi- <br> cent pure white variety which always <br> attracts a great deal of attention owing <br> to its beautiful form ud fine finish <br> 12 cts each <br> MRS J J GLESSNER � This is a very <br> handsome variety for garden planting; <br> makes a neat compact bush covered <br> with large showy flowers; color light- <br> yellow rich apricot shading 12c each <br> SHILOWA � Brilliant crimson an ele- <br> gant Japanese variety with long tv/isted <br> petals; extra fine bright red for garden <br> planting; a good bloomer 12 cts each <br> AUTUMN GLORY � A grand Japanese <br> variety; immense bloomer; color deep <br> salmon changing to soft shrimp pink; <br> always makes a grand display of flow- <br> ers; showy and handsome 12 cts each <br> BLACK BEAUTY � Extra large flowers; <br> very dark deep red; a dwarf sturdy <br> grower and very free bloomer; excel- <br> lent for garden planting 12 cts each <br> LEONIDES � Extra large full regular flow- <br> ers with straight flat petals; color deep <br> rich amaranth finely shaded with maroon <br> 12 cts each <br> THE QUEEN � Avery popular white variety; large <br> full flowers; a grand sort for general planting and <br> also for exhibitions 12 cts each <br> FISHER'S TORCH � Pure deep red very bright and <br> showy; makes large bold flowers borne erect on <br> stiff stems; a good free bloomer and a general <br> favorite 12 cts each <br> BLACK HAWK � Largest and most beautiful dark <br> crimson scarlet � looks as if made of crimson vel- <br> vet large full and deep; superb in every way <br> 12 cts each <br> KLONDIKE � A splendid variety deep rich golden <br> yellow; large solid flowers reflexed petals; one of <br> the best yellow sorts 12 cts each <br> JOHN SHRIMPTON � Grand deep red flowers very <br> bright and striking; a neat compact grower and <br> abundant bloomer 12 cts each <br> PINK IVORY � Extra large incurved globular flow- <br> ers; bright clear rose-pink; an ideal variety of this <br> color; stands at the head 12 cts each <br> WILLIAM SIMPSON � Immense flowers; very deep regu- <br> lar and full; fine rich rosy pink; reverse of petals silver- <br> rose; one of the earliest large-flowering varieties and has <br> taken highest prizes whenever exhibited 12 cts each <br> ROSE OWEN � A grand early variety; large perfect form; <br> a splendid flower of clear bright shining pink 12c each <br> PRICE 12 cts each; 5 for 50 cts ; Set of 17 for 1 60 postpaid <br> S eptember-Flowering' Chrysanthemums <br> These are partictilarly desirable because they bloom early and make a grand display of flowers <br> before the cold weather injures the blooms <br> New Clirysanthemum Mrs F A Constable <br> LIBERTY � Very beautiful incurved form perfectly double <br> globular flowers; deep rich golden-yellow; very beautiful <br> 12c each <br> MRS W J BRYAN � Extra fine bright chrome-yellow; a <br> magnificent flower and an early and abundant bloomer <br> 12 cts each <br> BARON VEILLARD � Ivarge double flowers; brilliant yel- <br> low with rosy-crimson markings; fine 12 cts each <br> GLORY OF THE PACIFIC � Beautiful clear pink; large <br> round flowers wnth broad petals; immense bloomer and <br> very showy 12 cts each <br> MISS KATE BROWN � One of the earliest and most <br> abundant bloomers; loaded with large pure white flowers <br> 12 cts each <br> MME GASTELIER � Pure white with lemon centre; flow- <br> ers large and full a good early bloomer 12 cts each <br> CAMILLE BERNARDIN � Large and handsome; bright <br> violet-pink; very clear and beautiful; one of the best for <br> general planting 12 cts each <br> WE CHIQUOT � Early and beautiful; perfectly double <br> flowers of medium size; regular and solid form; color rich <br> coppery-yellow with brick-red centre; fine 12 cts each <br> PKICE � Any 3 for 30 cts ; 7 for 65 cts ; tlie Set of 11 for S5 cts postpaid <br> ARBRE de NOEL � A very early and abundant bloomer; <br> medium size flowers; very double and full; deep orange <br> shaded red tipped with yellow; handsome and distinct <br> 12 cts each <br> EDITH SYRATT � One of the most beautiful varieties yet <br> produced; large full graceful flowers; rich violet-pink <br> shading to purplish-rose; reverse of petals silver-rose; <br> blooms very early and makes a grand show 12 cts each <br> MIDGE � The best dwarf early white extra large beautiful <br> flowers very full and regular and pure white; the whole <br> plant appears one mass of flowers 12 cts each <br> MME GENEVE CASSAGNEAU � Fine largfe regular <br> flowers; elegant flesh-pink with canary-yellow centre; <br> very pretty and attractive; a good healthy grower and very <br> free bloomer 12 cts each <br> MARION HENDERSON � A magnificent early yellow sort; <br> invaluable to lovers of early Fall flowers 12 cts each 42484223 134532 67120 Page 61 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484223 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound Leonides NameConfirmed Leonides EOLID 8907570 NameBankID 4216925 Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484223 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484223 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16655926937 2015-08-23 23 54 44 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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