Keywords: Obcine Slovenija 2006 Ivancna Gorica.svg en Občina Ivančna Gorica marked red on map of the municipalities občine of the Republic of Slovenia as since May 2006 210 units Manipulated Image Obcine Slovenija 2006 svg in text editor Source of http //www gu gov si/si/delovnapodrocja_gu/podatki_gu/brezplani_podatki/brezplani_podatki_obine/ the public data is http //www gu gov si/ GURS Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije or Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia Converted from Shapefile to SVG with http //www carto net/papers/svg/utils/shp2svg/ shp2svg and prepared for Wikipedia by romanm talk 2009-05-24 Public domain See Image Obcine Slovenija 2006 svg for an explanation Locator maps of municipalities of Slovenia Municipality of Ivančna Gorica |