Keywords: Organized-labour-portal-banner.jpg en wikipedia 2012 January 2 Banner for Portal Organized Labour Collage of pd images Image Seattle_General_Strike jpg Image Strike1902 JPG Image Writers raise signs at wga rally jpg and Image 1903sweatshopchicago jpg Added pd images Image Joe_hill002 jpg and Image Mother_Jones_1902-11-04 jpg<br/> Notes To recreate this image Change images to 72dpi Resize to 1 5 inches tall Paste together into 10 strip Script-fu-decor-old photo Layer-colors-color-balance boost red all the way Script-fu-decor-fuzzy border Change canvas size to 2 tall Font size is Rockwell Extra Bold Ultra Bold at 0 4 inches Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Premeditated Chaos using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text self-made by User Haus in GIMP 02-26-2008<br/> 2008 02 26 first version ; 2008 02 26 last version <span style font-family Bradley Hand ITC; ><font style color Blue; ><font size +2 >H</font>aus</font><sup style font-size 6pt ; ><font style color Green; >Talk</font></sup></span> Original uploader was Haus at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Released into the public domain by the author en wikipedia Haus Original upload log page en wikipedia Organized-labour-portal-banner jpg 2008-02-26 09 44 Haus 720×144× 22320 bytes <nowiki> Banner for Portal Organized Labour Collage of pd images Image Seattle_General_Strike jpg Image Strike1902 JPG Image Writers raise signs at wga rally jpg and Haus 605×145× 19375 bytes <nowiki> Banner for Portal Organized Labour Collage of pd images Image Seattle_General_Strike jpg Image Strike1902 JPG Writers raise signs at wga rally jpg and Image 1903sweatshopchicago jpg self-mad</nowiki> Portal banners |