Keywords: Our new guide to rose culture (15951574123).jpg 102 IBeDINGEESCONARD WESTERovE pA <br> ' ' osMijiEFtoR Tuberous <br> Summer f lowering Bulbs <br> TUBEROUS-ROOTED BEGONIAS � Unsurpassed for bedding and pot <br> culture As easily eared for as a Geranium The large bulbs we send out pro- <br> duce all Summer in profusion gorgeous and brilliant flowers three to tive <br> inches in diameter After blooming dry off the same as a Gladiolus or Tuberose <br> Price of separate colors 15 cts each; any Ufor 50 cts ; 9 for 1 <br> Superb Pink � Bright and shining <br> Superb Scarlet � Intense flame-col- <br> ored flowers very large size <br> Superb Rose � The beautiful flowers <br> are soft shining rose color <br> Superb White � Large pearly white <br> flowers; very distinct see cut <br> Superb Yellow � Brilliant and glow- <br> ing yellow color <br> 1 each U superb colors described above for 50 cts <br> Superb Single Mixed Colors � Em- <br> bracing a gorgeous array of colors <br> 10 cts each ; 3 for 25 cts ; 6 for 50 cts ; <br> f 1 per dozen <br> Double Mixed � Very scarce Beau- <br> tiful double flowers all colors 25 cts <br> each; 5 for 81 <br> RARE NEW TIGRIDIAS � We offer the very latest varieties They pro- <br> duce in constant succession throughout the Summer immense bold shell-like <br> flowers of marvelous beauty <br> Price of Tigridias named below 10 cts each; any 3 for 25 cts ; 1 per dozen <br> Concliiilora �Yellow flowers spot- <br> ted with rich crimson <br> Grandiflora � Very large crimson <br> flowers marked with golden yellow <br> Grandiflora Alba � Pearly white <br> marked at base a clear brown <br> Grandiflora liilacea � Large flow- <br> ers clear lilac with purple and <br> white spots in centre <br> Grandiflora Rosea � Bright rose <br> rich yellow in centre ; large flowers <br> Grandiflora Aurea � Large flowers; <br> pure deep golden yellow ; rich <br> Grandiflora Mixed � All colors <br> MONTBRETIA CROCOSMI FL ORA � Throws up numerous flower <br> stalks which re loaded with slightly drooping spikes of trumpet-shaped <br> orange-scarlet flowers 5 cts each ; 3 for 10 cts ; 10 for 25 cts <br> CAJLADIUM ESCULENTUM � A magnificent ornamental foliage plant <br> Grows four to six feet high ; leaves immense often measaring four feet in <br> length by two feet in breadth Beautiful bright green Take bulb up when <br> killed down by frost Fine bulbs 10 cts each ; 3 for 25 cts ; fl per dozen <br> TRITOMA UVARIA Blazing Torr/t � Produces tall spikes brilliant flame- <br> colored crimson and yellow flowers from August until severe frosts Hardy <br> with protection Very effective 20 cts each ; 3 for 50 cts ; 7 for 1 <br> SCARLET FREESIA � Similar in bulb foliage and habit to the White <br> Freesia but the flowers in brilliant contrast are brightest scarlet lower petals <br> di tinctly blotched Eeally a grand bulb 5 cts each ; 3 for 10 cts ; 10 for 25 cts <br> THE THREE GEMS � These are among the most delightful and most sat- <br> isfactory of Summer-flowering bulbs; sure to bloom profusely all throngh the <br> Summer We offer home-grown bulbs Flowers in beautiful contrast 20c a set <br> Price of Three Gems 10 cts each; any 3 for 20 cts ; 9 for 50 cts ; 15 for 15 cts <br> Milla Biflora Floating Star � Flow- <br> ers full three inches across pure <br> waxy white ; borne in pairs on rush- <br> like stems Look like floating stars <br> Bessera Elegans Coral Drops � An <br> exact counterpart of Milla Biflora in <br> rich and striking coloring Pendu- <br> lous clusters of bell-shaped flowers ; <br> color coral scarlet pure white cup <br> and dark blue anthers <br> Cyclobothra Flava Golden Shell � <br> Similar to Bessera ; color clear golden <br> yellow with intense black dots on <br> each petal Easily grown <br> COPERIA DRUMMONDI � Belongs to the Amaryllis family with fine <br> foliage and fiower stalks ten to fifteen inches high producing in great pro- <br> fusion beautiful snow-white Lily -like flowers 10 cts each ; 3 for 25c ; 8 for 50c <br> MADEIRA VINE � Climber for hanging baskets trellis rock work etc <br> Clusters of pure white fragrant flowers Free bloomer 3 for 10 cts ; 10 for 25c <br> SUMMER-BLOOMING HYACINTH Hyacinthus Candicans � Blooms <br> from August until October; grows 18 inches to 2 feet high ; large spikes of pure <br> white bell-shaped flowers Perfectly hardy 5c each; 6 for 25c ; 50c per doz <br> ANTHOLYZA � This is an ornamental family of half-hardy bulbs bearing <br> a close resemblance to Gladiolus The prevailing colors are orange and scarlet <br> Grown indoors they come in useful as pot plants for the decoration of <br> rooms window gardens etc as well as for cutting Their blooming may be <br> more extended by potting and starting the bulbs at different times and in this <br> way they may be h«d in flower from January to July or August They produce <br> rare and beautiful flowers and should be in every collection Fine mixed <br> Large size bulbs 15 cts each 4 for 50 cts <br> SUMMER-FLOWERING OXALIS � Splendid for bordering or edging <br> also for pots and hanging baskets Fine foliage of the brightest possible green <br> Except where noted 15 cts per dozen; 50 for 25 cts ; 40 cts per hundred <br> Bermuda Buttercup � New large- I Lasiandra - Rosy pink <br> flowering yellow Grand 5c each ; Dteppi � Pure white <br> 6 for 25 cts ; 12 for 40 cts I Mixed Colors � All varieties mixed 43875689 149643 77861 Page 102 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43875689 1891 10 5962/bhl title 77861 Dingee Conard Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Antholyza NameConfirmed Antholyza EOLID 5869910 NameBankID 3490360 NameFound Bessera NameConfirmed Bessera EOLID 60498 NameBankID 3409217 NameFound Biflora NameFound Cyclobothra NameConfirmed Cyclobothra NameBankID 4921974 NameFound Elegans NameConfirmed Elegans NameBankID 5116399 NameFound Grandiflora NameFound Grandiflora liilacea NameFound Hyacinthus NameConfirmed Hyacinthus L EOLID 33211 NameFound Lasiandra NameConfirmed Lasiandra DC EOLID 23592847 NameBankID 1835254 NameFound Montbretia NameConfirmed Montbretia DC EOLID 19830299 NameBankID 1860287 NameFound Oxalis NameConfirmed Oxalis sect Pseudobulbosae Norlind EOLID 40270 NameFound Tritoma uvaria NameConfirmed Tritoma uvaria L Ker Gawl EOLID 1002198 NameBankID 5858264 Biodiversity Heritage Library Our new guide to rose culture 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Dingee Conard Co Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43875689 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43875689 bhlGardenStories Freesia BHLinbloom bulbs plants dingee conard co nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15951574123 2015-08-24 02 52 43 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Freesia Our new guide to rose culture 1891 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |