Keywords: Palma il Giovane Selbstporträt.jpg Artwork de Selbstporträt oil canvas cm 126 96 de Mailand Pinacoteca di Brera Stefania Mason Rinaldi Palma il Giovane 1548 �1628 � Disegni e depinti Electa Milano 1990 creator Palma il Giovane Other versions PD-old-100 Mannerist paintings in Milan Painting in art Paintings in the Pinacoteca di Brera Milan Fur garments in art Paintings by Palma il Giovane Men facing left in art 17th-century oil on canvas paintings in Italy Paintings not categorised by year 17th-century self-portrait paintings of men Painters in art Red fox clothing in art Self portraits wearing fur Giovane Palma il Fur fashion in 1590 |