MAKE A MEME View Large Image Paul Gauguin 128.jpg Artwork Q15526312 Creator Paul Gauguin Ea haere ia oe A haere ia oe On vas II o Dona amb un fruit Where Are You Going or Woman Holding a Fruit Tahitische Frau mit Frucht Ou vas-tu II Женщина де� жащая ...
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Keywords: Paul Gauguin 128.jpg Artwork Q15526312 Creator Paul Gauguin Ea haere ia oe A haere ia oe On vas II o Dona amb un fruit Where Are You Going or Woman Holding a Fruit Tahitische Frau mit Frucht Ou vas-tu II Женщина де� жащая плод 1893 Oil on canvas cm 92 5 73 5 institution Hermitage Museum langSwitch The General Staff Building Generalstabsgebäude Здание Главного штаба 411 ГЭ-9120 Gauguin catalogues 501 321 P Gauguin 93 signature / date bottom left Ea haere ia oe bottom left ty title object history langSwitch State Museum of New Western Art Moscow 1948 Поступил в 1948 г Пе� едан из Госда� ственного музея нового западного искусства П� оисходит из соб� ания И А � о� озова 1 Yorck 2 /4 http //www arthermitage org/Paul-Gauguin/Woman-Holding-a-Fruit-Where-Are-You-Going html Arthermitage<br/>3 https //archive org/details/Hermitage_Paintings Hermitage Torrent<br/>5 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/28177/ lng ru langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg Other versions Other versions <gallery> File Gauguin _Paul_-_Woman_Holding_a_Fruit_ 28Eu_haere_ia_oe 29 jpg High resolution Hermitage torrent color adjusted File Paul Gauguin 143 jpg Stuttgart version W478 </gallery> PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Gauguin; Polynesia 1893 Ea haere ia oe; Hermitage Polynesia by Paul Gauguin Paintings by Paul Gauguin in the Hermitage Pareo 1893 paintings Woman holding a fruit by Paul Gauguin Three-quarter view portrait paintings of women facing left Red clothing in art female Gauguin 1890s paintings by Paul Gauguin 1893 Polynesia Ea haere ia oe; Hermitage Ivan Morozov's collection When Will You Marry by Paul Gauguin
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