Keywords: Paul Gauguin - Still Life with Horse's Head - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project Q18688323 Creator Paul Gauguin 1886 1848 1903 Paul Male 438054 GAUGUIN French 1848 - 1903 /collection/bridgestone-museum-of-art-ishibashi-foundation/artwork/still-life-with-horses-head-paul-gauguin/433762/ Paul GAUGUIN /artist/paul-gauguin/4128012/ 4128012 /collection/bridgestone-museum-of-art-ishibashi-foundation/ Bridgestone Museum of Art Ishibashi Foundation 393004 http //www bridgestone-museum gr jp/ 12/2/2011 1 07 06 AM /collection/bridgestone-museum-of-art-ishibashi-foundation/artwork/still-life-with-horses-head-paul-gauguin/433762/ 1886 Oil canvas 490 433762 False 1886 3/24/2012 1 57 56 AM gy168 1880 1890 w385 x h490 cm 1886 False 0 783203125 Object still-life-with-horses-head-paul-gauguin Still Life with Horse's Head s 385 ール・ゴーガン canvas 馬の頭部のある 物 Oil special url_id ywE8xZHU7z8avg PD-old-100-1923 1903 Paintings by Paul Gauguin in Japan Google Art Project works by Paul Gauguin Uchiwa in art Bridgestone Museum of Art 1880s paintings by Paul Gauguin ImageNote 1 782 1792 2095 2501 3919 5001 2 thumb Selene's horse from the east pediment of the Parthenon ImageNoteEnd 1 |