Keywords: Pestruper Graeberfeld.jpg Prehistorical gravefield with low tumuli embedded in the archaic surface of that glacially formed sandy region southwest of Bremen The graves are from late stone age bronze age and pre-roman iron age most of them between 9th and 3rd centrury BC <br> Prähistorisches Gräberfeld eingebettet in die ursprüngliche Geestvegetation Wenige Gräber stammen aus der Jungsteinzeit die meisten aus Bronzezeit und vorrömischer Eisenzeit Own upload 25 12 2006 shot in 1993 User Ulamm Pestruper Gräberfeld ImageNote 1 1210 813 113 47 1350 884 2 Prehistorical gravefield with low tumuli embeddid in the archaic surface of that glacially formed sandy region southwest of Bremen The graves are from late stone age bronze age and pre-roman iron age most of them between 9th and 3rd centrury BC ImageNoteEnd 1 |