Keywords: Peter Paul Rubens - Perseus and Andromeda (Hermitage Museum).jpg Artwork Creator Peter Paul Rubens Perseus and Andromeda Rubens Perseus and Andromeda ~ 1622 Oil on canvas size cm 99 5 139 Institution Hermitage Museum Rubens Hall 2nd floor http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/wcm/connect/34d53b5a-2af3-42d3-999e-c11a6ea82fa5/WOA_IMAGE_1 jpg MOD AJPERES CACHEID 9bb3b465-e107-4918-bf07-6ed98ba7c7eb Hermitage Museum PD-old-100 Perseus and Andromeda by Peter Paul Rubens 1622 Perseus And Andromeda Mythological paintings of putti Paintings of putti in Russia 17th-century paintings of angels with humans Mythological paintings in Russia People with dragons Humans with fictional creatures Paintings of nude standing females in the 17th century |