Keywords: Philippe Hériat Meurisse b 1931.jpg fr Philippe Hériat 1898-1971 écrivain français en 1931 année où il remporta le prix Théophraste Renaudot Épreuve retouchée et recadrée 2 en Philippe Hériat 1898-1971 French writer in 1931 the year he won the Renaudot prize Restored and cropped print 2 ARK-BNF Anonymous-EU http //gallica bnf fr/ark /12148/btv1b9028511v r Public domain Droits domaine public own 1931 2014-01-11 for upload Creator Agence Meurisse Uploaded stiched and restored by JLPC according to Jebulon's method other versions thumb left Unrestored print thumb left Retouched and cropped print Philippe Hériat French writer 1931 00 19 19 January 2014 UTC Philippe Hériat Meurisse b 1931 jpg Agence Meurisse Philippe Hériat Valued images by JLPC Retouches 1931 photographs Valued images of people of France |