Keywords: Piechart.svg Example of a pie chart along with a bar plot showing the same data and indicating that the pie chart is not the best possible chart for this particular dataset The graphic was created by User Schutz for Wikipedia on 27 December 2006 using the http //www r-project org/ R statistical project The program that generated the graphic is given below; the data and the idea are from w Image PieCompare png by w User Chrispounds The graph was exported in postscript format converted to SVG using the <tt>pstoedit</tt> command and the layout was slightly modified using Inkscape before upload v +pstoedit+Inkscape a <- c 13 14 30 43 cols <- c blue green yellow black postscript piechart eps paper special width 8 height 4 par mfrow c 1 2 par cex 1 2 par font 2 defaultmar <- par mar par mar c 0 0 0 0 Margins par las 1 Axis labels always horizontal par font axis 2 pie a init 90 clockwise T col cols par mar defaultmar-c 1 7 2 2 5 1 barplot rev a horiz T xlim c 0 25 col rev cols border 0 names arg 5 1 space 0 8 dev off Pie charts SVG pie charts |