MAKE A MEME View Large Image Pipeline-notitle.svg I made this simple diagram of a POSIX Unix pipeline of standard streams using Graphviz Depicted a text terminal the running programs in a pipeline the streams standard input stdin standard output stdout standard error ...
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Keywords: Pipeline-notitle.svg I made this simple diagram of a POSIX Unix pipeline of standard streams using Graphviz Depicted a text terminal the running programs in a pipeline the streams standard input stdin standard output stdout standard error stderr Commandline was <pipeline dot dot -Tsvg sed -e 's/<title> <\/title>//' >pipeline-notitle svg Created with Graphviz Graphviz source file pipeline dot <pre> digraph Pipeline overlap ortho subgraph clusterTerminal label Text terminal style filled; color lightgrey; node style filled fillcolor white shape box; Keyboard Display invisible content to match layout with pipeline edge style invis weight 100 node style invis label width 0 01 height 0 01 Keyboard -> prg1pad prg1pad -> prg2pad prg2pad -> prg3pad prg3pad -> Display Keyboard -> Program1 label stdin style bold Program1 -> Display label stderr Program1 -> Program2 weight 10 label stdout stdin style bold Program2 -> Display label stderr Program2 -> Program3 weight 10 label stdout stdin style bold Program3 -> Display weight 10 label stdout style bold Program3 -> Display label stderr </pre> Pipeline diagrams computer science POSIX SVG flow charts
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