Keywords: Plan of the Old Baths at Pompeii by Overbeck.jpg Plan of the Old Baths at Pompeii Terme del Foro Legend<br> A � atrium<br> B � apodyterium room for undressing <br> C � frigidarium cool bath <br> D � tepidarium warm room <br> E � caldarium hot bath <br> F � thermal chamber<br> G � women's tepidarium<br> H � women's apodyterium<br> J � women's cold bath<br> K � the servants' atrium<br> M � chamber for fornacatores persons in charge of the fires a a2 a3 � entrances to men's baths<br> b � entrance to women's baths<br> c c2 � entrances to furnace rooms<br> d � circular furnace<br> e � passages<br> f � probably an oecus or exedra<br> g � portico<br> h � walls<br> i � small room<br> m � small vestibule<br> q � passage to the furnace room<br> r � mouth of the furnace<br> x � water closet latrina http //www perseus tufts edu/cgi-bin/image lookup 1999 04 0062 fig00190 Harry Thurston Peck Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities 1898 Overbeck PD-old Johannes Overbeck Forum Thermae Pompeii Plans of ancient Roman thermae in Pompeii Forum |