Keywords: Polykleitos Apollo Glyptothek Munich 246.jpg Torso des Apollon Römische Kopie nach einer Statue von der Polykletschule ca 430-420 v Chr Torso of Apollo Roman copy after a statue of the school of Polykleitos ca 430 “420 BC Torse d'Apollon Copie romaine d'un original grec de l'école de Polyclète v 430-420 av J -C Museum Glyptothek Munich Room 3 Saal des Diomedes object history credit line From the Villa Ridolfi in Rom acquired in 1812 by Wagner for the Glyptothek accession number Inv 246 User Bibi Saint-Pol own work 2007-02-08 other versions Statues of Apollo Polykleitos Classical Greek sculptures in the Glyptothek Munich Roman copies after Greek originals in the Glyptothek Munich Ancient Greek statues in Germany Glyptothek Munich - Room 3 |