Keywords: Portrait of a boy quarter-length in a brown waistcoat and white lace collar by Valentine Cameron Prinsep.jpg Artwork Creator Valentine Cameron Prinsep < 1904 Oil on canvas cm 45 7 35 6 christies online 1729419 8692 63 London 9 March 2000 other versions PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Prinsep Valentine Cameron; Boy unknown; Christie �s 2000 Valentine Cameron Prinsep 19th-century portrait paintings location missing Portraits of unknown children 19th-century portrait paintings not categorised by year Male 19th-century oil portraits of boys at bust length 19th-century oil portraits of boys at half length 19th-century profile portrait paintings Images from Christie's Lace collars in art Profile portraits of boys Uploaded with UploadWizard Waistcoats in art |